Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Katelyn Update - Picture Mania

Well....what can I say....two kids is much harder than one...ha!  Even though I have not been updating he blog, I promise I have been taking pictures.  This adjusment to two kids has been difficult for me.  I feel like the house is never cleaned.  Do you all ever feel like that?  I feel like I clean the house about 4 times a day and it is still a mess.....UUUGGHHH!  But, as I get frustrated with these little things, my wonderful husband, will remind me that all these little things do not matter and he is so right.  As I was reading The Five Love Languages For Children I came across this quote that was speaking directly to me.  " Don't be a victim of the urgent. In the long run, much of what seems so pressing right now won't even matter.  What you do with your children will matter forever." 

Here are some pictures of Katelyn from these last couple of months....just random since I have not been keeping up with our blog.  I won't bore anyone with the details, you can just look at the pictures.

 Jackie's 30th Birthday...Katelyn is OUT!

 Saturday at Nana and Papa Cones!
Davis is obsessed with golf carts and lawn mowers so he LOVES going to Papa's house!

 Katelyn with her Papa
 Katelyn with Papa and Nana
 Uncle Justin came home from Utah for the week.....we enjoyed getting to see him.
 Uncle Justin was able to calm Katelyn right down and those of you who know her know that is no easy task with her attitude..ha!

 Smiles are starting...we are LOVING it!

 This is what Katelyn seems to do best.....CRY!!  Does the girl drama really start this early???
 Katelyn with her Meme

 Family pictures are so hard with a family of 4.....LOL!

 WAHOO...this was a big day.....Katelyn is in a 3 month outfit....this is opening a whole new door for outfits. I was getting a little sick of the few newborn things we had.  The 3 month stuff is still a little big.....but we don't's stylish!
 Katelyn took a nap on Davis' bed while he got ready for school.  He is still so sweet to her.
 And.....we will end with her most recent picture from April 26th.  She is still a little peanut!

1 comment:

Amy said...

I laughed at your picture of her screaming! I can so relate, and the girl drama. . . . get ready!:-)