We have had an exciting summer, I just wish I would have documented it sooner than now, but late is better than never I guess. Having two kids has really got in the way of my picture taking....anyone else have this happen? I got home and realized so many things I did not take pictures of.....UUUGGHHH!
My dad started teaching Davis one of his family traditions.....when he was growing up, his dad would say "we are off" and as fast as the kids could they would say "like a dirty shirt!". My dad always did this with us when we were leaving on a trip, so he taught Davis this as soon as we headed off to the airport.
Well, we started off with a trip to Utah on June 16th and we came home on the 24th. My mom's side of the family was having a family reunion so Davis, Katelyn and I decided to join them. Lance had already taken off work for our ski trip and then another week for the beach trip we had coming up, so he was not able to come. I was hesitant about going but my mom and dad talked me into going with them. They would be travelling with us, so I would have plenty of help, although, they may not ever take us on a trip again.....ha! I think they quickly saw that everything took 10 times as long with kids. I was worried about Davis really missing Lance. He did miss him, but we were so busy I think that helped keep his mind off of it. I think I was the one that missed Lance the most. Katelyn just rolled with the flow!
We flew into Salt Lake City and then had to drive to St. George which is about a five hour drive. So just imagine, lugging all your kid gear through the airport, then a long flight, then getting car seats in a rental car (why is this always the worst part), then packing a car that we BARELY fit our stuff into, and then a long drive followed by visiting the great grandparents as soon as we got there = ONE LONG DAY!! Thank goodness dad upgraded us to first class, this was a BIG surprise, but we were so thankful for the extra room. Overall, the kids were pretty good, but there is always room for improvement.
Davis was so excited to get on the airplane, he could hardly stand it. He was so interested in WHO was going to drive us. We were able to meet the pilots and they even watched Davis while I went to get my camera. He just sat in the cockpit and asked about 1,000 questions. He was in HEAVEN!
Coloring a picture for his Daddy!
Miss Priss trying to figure out what kind of adventure we had her on!
First stop when we FINALLY arrived in St. George was to see Great Grandma Kreyling. My Grandpa has just recently passed away so it was different not having him there. We missed him so much! I miss his laugh and funny stories. Davis was a little nervous at first but he was best buds with Great Grandma by the time we left especially when she took him on rides.
I was telling Lance, once I saw my grandparents faces light up when they saw the kids our long trip was worth every minute!
We stayed at my Aunt Kelli and Uncle Kelton's house and I was so thankful for them allowing us all to invade their house and pretty much take over (that is what kids do take over). I talked my cousin Kiley into coming and staying the week with her two kids so we could hang out....talk about a full house, but is was SOOO much fun! I always get sad watching my kids play with all of my cousin's kids. Davis and Katelyn had so much fun and I wish we were all closer to be able to do this more often. Davis had a blast going out back and picking apricots with Uncle Kelton.
We went swimming at Aunt Gloria's house several times and had a blast! Davis loved sliding down her rock slide on he got real brave and did it by himself pretty quickly.
Aunt Kelli with her grand kids Hadley and Grayon.
I decided to take Katelyn down the slide, she was a little freaked out, but ended up liking it.
My cousin Kiley watching out for Katelyn because she literally was about to pass out.
She was so worn out she even slept in Opa's arms!!
Visiting Grandma and Grandpa Pope
I wish I would have gotten more pictures with the grandparents.....I don't know what I was thinking. At least we have these of the whole crew. Davis was beyond excited to see Great Grandpa Pope (he calls him POPE). He calls Pope with my mom and talks with him regularly. When my grandpa saw him he perked right up and hugged on that little guy while he picked him up and whirled him around. The look on both of their faces was priceless and I am so sad I did not get it on camera.

Here we are with Grandma Pope. Grandma has Alzheimer's and it is so sad to see how much she has changed since last time we saw her. She still got excited to see us and enjoyed seeing the kids, but it is just so sad when you know she has no clue who you are. Seeing her makes you really see how important it is to live each day to the fullest. My grandfather is such a great example by the way he is taking care of her and how much he still loves her today. Their LOVE is such an example to me.....I just pray Lance and I are this same way.
Cousin pictures in the park.......Nice Try!
Well, we tried to get some pictures, but that is impossible with two toddlers and a 3 year old. Hadley was a good model, but not so sure about the other three. Below are the attempts....
And....family pictures (minus Lance) go about just as well.
This looks like a bite, but it is not....I promise!
Opa, Uncle Justin, and Davis......Justin came down for a day and drove up to Salt Lake City with us for the reunion. Davis had tons of fun with Uncle Justin!
Meme and Katelyn
Aunt Kelli making flapjacks for Davis and the kids. She will kill be for putting this picture on the blog I am sure, but Davis was so excited to help her make them!
Kiley giving Davis a haircut.....we were spoiled for sure!
Katelyn and Grayson had so much fun together. He was such a dare devil and she just sat back and watched him. :)
St. George has a little town square that is so stinking cute! I should have taken more pictures of the whole area. They have a splash park there that has sprinklers and little rocks with waterfalls and streams for the kids to play on. It was so much fun! We met my other cousin Amber and her 4 kids there and they all had a blast playing. Did I mention I sooooo miss having my family close to us!!!
I thought Katelyn would be a little nervous and she was more excited about this than Davis. Davis was a little timid and nervous and Katelyn did not want to leave. She had a BLAST!
Grandpa Pope walked up to see the kids playing.
Opa and Davis on the carosel. He LOVED riding this with Opa.
Sweet Grayson
The fam......with Grandma Kreyling
Hadley and Davis being silly. They had fun together. Davis was all about Hadley....she was probably ready for him to leave her along.
We went to the little St.George town area for breakfast and the Bear Claw. Look how big Davis' pancakes are.....they were AWESOME!
Then we walked over to Judd's candy store. It has been there since my mom was a litte girl. Mom and Dad had fun buying Davis candy here. It is such a cute little store...brings you back to the old days.