When the doctor said bed rest a few weeks ago, I said I will do whatever I need to do, but I am hosting a baby shower for a dear friend and I really need/want to be there, he said that I could do that one thing if I did NOTHING else the whole weekend, so I did exactly that. Then, I tried the same bargaining with Blake and Brittany's wedding, but that didn't go so well, he said definitely not; The distance is too far and it is too close to our due date. At least it was worth a try! :)
It felt so good to escape my recliner and host Kim's shower with my friend Judith. Kim is having a baby girl, Ella. Lance and I set up Kim and her husband, Justin, so they are really special friends to us! The funny thing is we also set up Judith and her husband Allen. The six of us have so much fun together. It is so weird how things work out and the people God places in your life for a specific reason. I am so thankful for our friendships. Justin has two boys from a previous marriage, and now they will have a baby girl. Boy is Ella going to be spoiled!

Ella and Davis meet for the first time. Could it be the start to a LOVE STORY! We will have to wait and see! It has been fun experiencing my first pregnancy with another friend. I hope that Davis and Ella will have fun playing together once they arrive. Davis will be here in April and Ella will be here in May.
Judith and I had so much fun planning Kim's special day! We can't wait to meet Baby Ella!