We have had a BUSY but FUN weekend!! Anna and Lance's cousin Adam came to visit with us on Friday afternoon and Lance's mom and dad also came to watch Davis while Lance and I went on a date with our friends Casey and Kelley. Do you ever get desperate for some relaxing alone time???? I think we are at that point. We are both exhausted and just ready for some time with just us! We went to Tam's Backstage and it was wonderful and fun to get a night away! I forgot to take a picture of us before we left....I always do that! When we came back home we found Neal organizing our garage....this was on our to do list....the garage was FULL of all kinds of junk and tons of my school stuff we could not even fit my car in the garage it was so messy....well, not any more. Thanks Neal! I was so
embarrassed when we pulled up and saw what he was doing...ha...it was a REALLY MESSY garage!!! Now we just have
to get some shelves built for storage and we are all set! Little buddy was still up when we got back from dinner.....he came outside and played around in his
PJs until he got fussy and then Nana took him to bed.....I guess he just had to see us before he went to sleep! Gail and Neal spent the night and we all got up the next morning and went to see Lance's cousin, Tucker, play soccer.

This is Bailey, Davis' new cousin! Uncle Blake and Aunt Brittany got a new puppy. Davis thinks it is more like a toy....Bailey keeps his attention for about 2 minutes and then he is on to better things...he is so funny to watch. I thought he would want to play with Bailey forever, but he does not seem very interested. It is cute to watch him interact with something so tiny. He tries to pull her ears, touch her nose, and poke at her eyes....he is ALL BOY!

He may not be to interested in Bailey, but he sure does LOVE her toys!

Davis and Lance congratulating Tucker on a good game!

Nana bought Davis this CUTE chair......and he loved it so much he sat in it the whole soccer game....HA! He barely would sit in it for me to get a picture....but I am sure in a few months he will sit in it longer......I HOPE!! I pretty much chased Davis around the whole game. He was amazed at all the people and he tried to play with every soccer ball he could find. Next time we go to a game, I need to bring him his own ball so he is not trying to take
every one's ball. Davis also liked to walk up to the spectators and say hi while they were watching the game....he is such a social bug!


Look at that face!!

Tucker, Lance, and Davis
After the game, we went to eat at Jason's Deli with the fam!

Then we came back and rested until Uncle Blake's flag football game at 3:30. Davis had a BLAST here.....he ran all over the place...he did not stop the whole hour and he was EXHAUSTED when we finally got him home!

Davis and Nana watching Blake!

He looks like he knows exactly what to do!

We have a future track star on our hands!

He LOVED the hurdles....he even tried to pick them up! He now tries to pick everything up and show off how strong he is.

Family Picture! After the game Lance and I took Davis to
Chepe's for Mexican food!
We had a fun day as a family!

Thank you Gail and Neal for watching Davis for us! We had a great date night and we had a fun time hanging out on Saturday! I know I always say this but we are truly blessed with great families!