Monday, April 25, 2011

Katelyn is TWO Months Old!

~April 16th~
 It is hard to believe that Katelyn is two months old...time goes by so fast.  Well, month number two was WAY different than month number one.....I guess I spoke too soon about us not even knowing she was there sometimes.  Katelyn has now made us aware of her at ALL times!  This has not been an easy month for Miss Priss or the the Cone family.
 Looking at this cute little princess, you would never imagine her being fussy, but that is all she has done this month!  She stopped nursing well.  Starting screaming at feedings, refusing to eat, arching her back,spitting up extreme amounts of milk and crying non stop!  We knew something was not right, so I took her back to the doctor and we decided it was reflux.  She started on Zantac which did not do the trick, so we then started her on Prevacid which helped, but she was still not as happy as we would like her to be....but we were beginning to think she may just be a fussy baby.

 About two weeks later, she broke out in rash all over her body, so I took her back to the doctor (we have been in there weekly between Katelyn and Davis....I think they are sick of seeing us) and the doctor thought she may have a milk allergy so I have now had to take all major dairy products out of my diet since I am nursing.  This is a big deal for me because I LOVE my cheese and nightly ice cream!
 This happened with Davis at about 4 months and he ended up growing out of it so I hope this is the case with Katelyn.  But, I think this did the trick because things are starting to get better so I think we are heading in the right direction. 
 Here are her TWO month STATS......keep in mind that she is two months old and still SMALLER than Davis when he was BORN!! 
Weight:  8 pouds 14 ounces
Height:  22 inches
Head:  14.75 inches
  •  Starting to hold her head up on her own.
  • Smiling which is so much fun!
  • She has started to make coos and we are so in LOVE with that!
  • She will follow objects with her eyes and bat at objects she sees above her.
  • She is wearing some newborn and some 0-3 month clothes.
  • Size one diapers.
  • She is still nursing about every 3 hours and waking up once or twice at night.
  • She LOVES her paci!
  • She seems to be a mommy's girl so far.
  • She has terrible smelly gas and her daddy hopes that continues so no one will want to date her....ha.
  • She is starting to enjoy tummy time.
  • She still has LOTS of dark hair and BLUE BLUE eyes.
  • She still has an attitude and HATES to be bothered in any way.
  • Beginning to stay awake more.
  • Wakes up once or twice a night.  She has slept all the way through the night once.  :)

Katelyn, we are HOPING month 3 is a better month for you and for all of us!


Kiley said...

Oh I just want to love and cuddle her!!! She is precious, Kim! I love your family pic at the top of your blog! I hope she is nicer to you this month! We sent her a something in the mail, hope it found ya! love you

Amber said...

She is just beautiful!