Sunday, October 18, 2009

Davis LOVES Sundays at Church!

I just have to share this story, but I wish I had a picture!! Lance and I went to church on Sunday and we took Davis to his small group nursery. He is always happy to be there, which makes us feel so good. He never cries, he just goes with the flow. His teachers say that he is quite the ladies man of the class. After the service we went to pick Davis up, and he was just returning from a little walk. They had a stroller with 4 seats in it. Two kids in each row. Davis was in the front, and he was smiling, kicking his legs, and moving his arms all around and having a grand old time. The rest of his little friends, were very calm and sitting so nicely. His teachers were laughing and they told us that they think Davis is going to be the first in line for the roller coasters. He apparently loved his ride!

Then later that day, we went to do a little shopping, and Lance was pushing Davis in the stroller. Lance started doing wheelies with Davis and he LOVED it! He was laughing and would start to pout until Lance would do another wheelie. Looks like we have a little dare devil on our hands! We are having so much fun watching his little personality grow.

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