Sunday, December 6, 2009

1st Christmas Present!

Opa and Meme had a Davis' first Christmas present for him to open and it was one he got to open early! My Grandma and Grandpa Pope started the tradition of giving the grandchildren a Christmas ornament each year and you got to open it before Christmas so you could put your special ornament on the tree. Justin and I used to LOVE getting our ornaments from our grandparents and putting them on the tree. When I got married, I left with a box FULL of ornaments that my grandparents had given me. Each ornament had a story or a memory. Lance and I carried on this tradition when we started dating. We have exchanged ornaments since 1999. And now my mom and dad scarried on this tradition with Davis. Lance and I are also going to give Davis an ornament each year. I love traditions and it is fun being able to start them with our own little family.
Davis was not so sure about opening the present, but he sure did like the Santa ornament on the box.

He had a long day and was obviously a little moody! I think he was also hungry, because after everyone left he ate, two jars of baby food and a bowl of rice cereal in about 5 minutes. I have never seen him eat that much food and especially that fast.

Meme and Opa got Davis his first nativity set that he can play with. It even sings "Away in the Manger". I have been wanting to get this for Davis and my mom and dad beat me to it. It is the cutest thing.....I LOVE it! I cannot wait to use it to teach Davis the Christmas story, but for now, he can just throw the little figures around and put them all in his mouth. He already tried to eat the baby Jesus, the sheep, and one of the three wise man.

He is a little happier now.

Davis' first Christmas Ornament and Nativity Set

"Thanks Meme and Opa.......I LOVE my new things and I can't wait to get more on Christmas!"


Anonymous said...

I had to laugh about Davis eating Baby Jesus. The other day CC was playing with his Nativity set in his room at our house and he said Santa Claus wanted to hold Jesus. Sooo he put JC in SC's hand...(Now mind you it's a Santa that moves his hips and sings "rockin' around the Christmas tree." There was Santa swinging Baby JC around just a'singin!!! Children...they remind us what its all about!!!

Amy Stinson said...

What a great gift! I will have to remember that for Kylie. She can't break it either!! She threw and broke baby Jesus and Mary off of my navity scene this year.